Being a big fan of frogs this, that, and every which way, (except to eat, blagh! And don't tell me it tastes like chicken!), I've wanted, for some time now, to create a folk artsy collage of fabric and leather and incorporate it into a shoulder bag. I finally sketched a simple pattern, cut out some scraps, and the ball got rolling and picked up momentum and now I'm on my 5th bag, two of which were snatched up quickly and went to new homes I'm thrilled to say!!! This has been such a fun ride, a romp in the bog, a great diversion from my "to do" list!!
Labels: shoulder bag fabric collage chenille tapestry leather wearable art one of a kind
so cute!!! I found your blog through the recent etsy thread!
Oh my dear goodness I ADORE these! Excuse me while I leave to go check out your shop!
So fun and cute! Would make great gifts!
Those are great bags!
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