Saturday, March 14, 2009


I’m a spring baby, born in April and living until young adulthood in a four season’s part of the world. Anyone who inhabits space where there is a true blue winter knows just how squirrely one gets anticipating that light at the end of the tunnel: the coloring up, warming up, and freeing up from confinement and cabin fever. I could barely stand the fickleness of some winters, taunting and teasing with snippets of spring, only to backslide and resurface with a vengeance, showing no mercy on nature’s little baby bloomers, that appear on the scene without skipping a beat each spring.
Some of my best work as an artist, however, was born in winter. Long hours indoors fostered and nurtured my love of sewing. Barren landscapes inspired my infinity for color, and I hold the palette of spring bulbs, particularly, dear to my heart. The seasonal affect on wardrobe, required skill in sewing a variety of fabric weights and textures. The anticipation of nature’s rebirth added inspiration just when I thought my head had turned as grey and frozen as the terrain around me.
Although I have relocated to a warmer climate, an area that actually turns green each winter, the four seasons are alive and thriving within my being. Mentally, I still look forward to spring and the parade of botanical frontrunners: the daffodils, irises, freesia, tulips, and ranunculus that signify the passing of winter and the green light to warmer days.

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